I restarted your region again, try logging in now. I will talk to rocky and see
Hi mica. Your.rehion is running instead of going into frozen when someone exit the region. You should be able to log in.
hi mistress. I don't know if this problem happens when the grid is restarted or when I log off
hi mistress. I can log in to VB but unfortunately I can't log into my region yet
Hi mica, for now i am leaving your region running 24/7 until loading issues get resolved. i will keep an eye on my end, let me know if you have the problem again.
Hi mica, I will look when I get home. The problem is on our end
me again mistress. After several attempts I managed to log in. Now I can't enter my region. Could this have something to do with me editing the region's terrain?
hi mistress. something strange is happening. I've been trying to log in since last night. and it looks like a message saying new log in detected and i crash
Hi mica, region has been restarted, I was able to get there. I will have rocky look into it and see.
Hi mistress. Just now I tried to enter and I couldn't. Maybe the grid is restarting or there is some maintenance. I don't know. I just want to say that I think that due to the time difference, I won't be present but I want to tell you that I care. I'll try to log in again in another 15 minutes then I'll go to sleep. take care
Hi, mica world is fixed so try logging back into your region. We tested it.and it works
Hi mica, we are looking into it.
the same message as before appears
hi mistress. i can't enter my region again
teleport failed.
service request failed: [499]. no connection could be made because the target machine actively refuse it.
( grid my virtual beach.com com .8023)
hi mistress. i don't understand i still trying and i can't
Hi, mica, I have re started your region, there was no error as to why you couldn't get to your region.
hi mistress i m trying to enter my region about 2 days and i can't
Grid is in the process of being restarted, please do not log in.
Virtual Beach is offline, we are working ot get it back online as soon as possible.
Hi mica, the grid is still loading, your region has not loaded yet. its taking longer this time to re start the grid, will post when its done.
hi mistress. i am triyng but isan't working
Hi mica, the robust had stopped working, but I restarted it and was able to log in successfully, so please try again. I will look into why robust quit working when I get back into town on Sunday.
Hi mistress, how are you? Is the grid under maintenance? I've been trying to log in for a few days and I can't, but everything indicates that the grid is online and that there is someone online too.
I am only 1/2 in Mistress
Hi fay, everything is all good. I hope your dog feels better. I am out of town myself. your all good as long as you long in once a month
Mistress, we had to take my dog out of state to an animal hospital. I'm not sure when we're going to get back home, but I'll check in when I can.
Hi, if you post in the forums please dont make multiple posts for the same topic. doing so will get you kicked from forums.
Hi everyone i am HEGCronos ROTG and i am a Mod on here & inworld if anyone needs any help can message me on here or on skype and hope everyone is enjoying there time on Virtual Beach
Hello Hello Virtual Beach
Hey everyone, just want to remind our new members to not post in the forums if its not related to the website or inworld.
You see this Logo left of this box click on it automatic add the grid for you
open viewer, top left click avatar, then click preferences. click opensim. then where it says add new grid put http://grid.myvirtualbeach.com:8002/
then click apply, then you should be able to log i
how do i add a new grid you assume i know all this i am so frustrated this is the kinda thing that makes me just say forget it ive wasted hours now
you need to add the grid as a new grid there is a space in between username
does it have space between first and last name it will not let me log in to i log in to osgrid and then http://grid.myvirtualbeach.com:8002/
location do i need to do the grid manager ad a new grid
check ur messages in here i sent a reply on what username to use ot log in with
check your in world profile to see what username you put
now it wont let me log in on the viewer i swear
To anyone needing land, message me in world for a small parcen on vb island rentals.
Hi Scoundrel, your log in password for viewer is the same on the website. your inworld username may be different depending on what you put. check your profile to check ur username for in world
Hello Cat, welcome to virtual beach. glad to see a DJ around we sure could use one.
Hello I'm Cat Stevens Not New in open Sim Just wanted to start on a new grid I'm a DJ Play all different music ,
I've also made a new account yet it's been a few hours and still get can't authorize login credentials .. are they not the same as here? Scoundrel Clarity
i made a new account to check it out, but it says incomplete profile when i try to log in, can someone help me
Auto message: A new forum post has been submitted. You can view the message here
Auto message: A new forum post has been submitted. You can view the message here
Tomorrow March 31st VB will go offline to facilitate a full server backup and other general maintenance this will take approximately 12 hours 8am - 8pmgrid time(Pacific Time)
I am really shocked that your leaving bt! I do not know what to say. wow i am going to have to think abotu my future here.
A message from Rocky One
Rocky, 2:37 AM
Howdy just letting people know in here i step down running virtual beach i been way to busy and etc but world will keep going trizzy will keep it going.
Effective Immediately
Any issues with the grid should be forwarded to Trizaria Hunter.
does anyone else notice that when in game the website pulls up in your browser , ie chrome, Microsoft or whatever by itself sometimes?
Morning/evening everyone hope you all are doing well and remember if you need help plz contact us you can get us in world here skype or on discord.
From the team at My Virtual Beach Happy New Year..
From all the staff of My Virtual Beach we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Hi everyone i hope you are all doing well and hope you all have a merry Christmas and happy new year. And if anyone needs any help you can get us on here and on skype and we are on discord to.
seem we have a weird glitch with hypergriders hoping to a smart region then saying region going down not sure why it doing this but we are working on it
Hi hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to Christmas and hope it be a good one this year.
also some of permission were not set right if you own a estate you have estate powers now like god mode
we are always around some where
You may find world a little laggy today. There is a full server backup being run by the server owner and is slated to take 5 hours from the time I type this message so just be aware.
Hi everyone hope all is well
My Virtual Beach Is a smart start world Which Means, Your Region Is in Waiting Mode When you Log in And Hop there It will Load up And port you there
kontaktiere trizzy hunter sie hat dir eine Nachricht in der Welt hinterlassen
Woher bekomme ich so was VB smiles aufbauen
yes you can build a club on VB smiles
I wanted to build a club here is that possible
debería aparecer un cuadro y elegir el visor
trizaria hago clik no se abre nada
Dane32 ....Necesita buscar en el sitio web. Haga clic en "Haga clic aquí" para agregar la cuadrícula a su visor y luego intente iniciar sesión nuevamente
Hola no puedo entrar desde el visor
hi an hope everyone is well and remember if anyone needs any help you can get any of the staff on here and onn skype and discord.
Happy Halloween everyone.
Had a crash with website most of it was restored some people have sign up recently mite have to sign up again on web site if so please email me blowtorch25@gmail or skype rocky1735
If you havent already please make sure to visit Virtual Beach Theme Park
Bird is the Word
Hugs People of Virtual Beach!!
Hi like to welcome all those that have signed up to My Virtual Beach i'am Cronos a Staff Mod if anyone needs any help please ask we are here to help.